Iwi launch anti-tip petition

With submissions on the proposed Dome Valley tip for Auckland’s rubbish now closed, Ngati Whatua is seeking national support from “all iwi and tribal partners” for a petition to halt Auckland Council negotiations with Waste Management Ltd.

The company is seeking approval from Auckland Council to create the mega-landfill within 1,000 hectares of land it has acquired in Dome Valley. Ngati Whatua CEO Alan Riwaki has thrown his iwi’s weight behind the Fight the Tip protest group, which has opposed the plan since its first notification.

“We ask the council to halt all discussions with Waste Management NZ and as a Treaty partner provide our iwi the opportunity to co-create a partnership that will assist our communities to manage waste in a way that puts our community at the centre of decision-making,” he said.

“We did not expect that Ngati Whatua would be the subject of further injustices when we signed our Treaty settlement with the Crown, less than 10 years ago. We filed our submission against the proposed Dome Valley Landfill. Many of our whanau and hapu have also filed submissions objecting to the plan.

“Auckland Council’s failure to consult exacerbates the grievances already held about our whenua, awa and culture. We are staunch in our opposition to this landfill, which not only pollutes our waterways but encroaches on our responsibilities as mana whenua.”

“We are flummoxed that Auckland Council can consider approving the landfill, which will operate until 2060 at the same time as saying it has an aspirational goal of zero waste to landfill by 2040. However, they appear determined to proceed with approving the landfill.”

“Ngati Whatua are asking for national support for this issue and are seeking support from all uri, whanau, hapu, marae and tribal partners to sign our petition at our.actionstation.org.nz/petitions/protect-our-kaipara-moana, as well as using their influence to stop the development of the Dome Valley landfill.”

STOP THE PRESS Latest Press Release

Iwi and Community pressure achieves deadline extension for Dome Valley Landfill Submissions 

“Auckland Council has agreed to extend the deadline for submissions for plan changes and resource consent to 3 weeks prior to the hearings,” said Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua Chief Executive, Alan Riwaka. Hearings will occur towards the end of the year. 

“An actual date has not been notified by Auckland Council but we now have time to involve our cultural, environmental and alternative waste management experts in strengthening our submissions.” 

“One thousand submissions about the proposed Dome Valley Landfill have already been made to Auckland Council. There are many other whānau, hapū and iwi from around New Zealand who will now have the opportunity to make their own submissions.” 

“Ngāti Whātua know that the proposed Dome Valley Landfill would be disastrous for our waterways and our people.” Our Chair, Dame Naida Glavish affirms this in her statement, “Inā kite koe i tētahi mea hē, hakatikangia. Inā kore ka rite koe ki taua hē. If you see something wrong in front of you, then correct it because if you don’t, you will become like it.” 

For further information contact Alan Riwaka phone 0212275289


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